About us
About us

a new way of solving manure & biosolids issues
mavitec Environmental
Mavitec Environmental offers complete solutions to transfer various organic/manure streams into green energy and high value EcoChar. Gasification is an economic, ecological and ergonomic way of handling manure, litter and other organic waste into green energy and EcoChar, a high value biochar with a lot of applications such as soil improver or animal bedding.
high quality gasification systems
the success of mavitec environmental
In-house engineering & manufacturing for customized solutions.
The most optimal performance, best capacity and least wear and tear.
Fast & full service
Service locations in The Netherlands, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and U.S.A. Dedicated after sales department (24/7 service).
Private owned
Mavitec is private owned and has over 200 employees.
Mavitec group
How it all started
Foundation Mavitec B.V.
Foundation Mavitec Green Energy
Own production facility
Introduction gasification Technology
New location headquarters
Mavitec 20th anniversary 2002-2022
New production facility India
Mavitec environmental
MAke revenue out of your manure and improve the environment
Gasification is a chemical reaction caused by heating material. Besides heat, the gasifier produces EcoChar, a high quality and valuable by-product. The gasification process ensures a smaller environmental carbon footprint and will be one of the answers to our future energy needs.