Positive comparison EcoChar with activated carbon

The Chemical Engineering Journal recently published the work from the Polish scientist on heavy metal remediation. In this article a comparison is made between our EcoChar and an activated carbon product. The research shows that the amount of different metals captured by EcoChar is higher than by an activated carbon product! Read the whole article here: ChemicalEngineeringJournal-Thomasetal_082016

How farmers can turn the massive amounts of manure into green energy – and profit!

Mavitec Green Energy recently published an article in the BioEnergy Insight magazine in which we state that animal manure and/or litter has become the modern pollution problem. And we introduce our solution: Gasification. Our Gasification System enables Agricultural producers to turn the massive amounts of manure and/or litter into green energy and EcoChar – and profit!   […]

Mavitec Turkey won the award!

With pride we would like to inform you that Mavitec Turkey, formally known as Mavitec Makine Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim şirketi, has won the award “Most successful entrepreneur (SME, small/medium enterprice) of Turkey for the year 2013”! This price was awarded to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Turkey, known as KOSGEB. On the […]